Weekly Service Times
We hope that you consider joining us sometime this week! We meet during the following time
Sunday School – 9:45 am
Sunday Morning – 11:00 am
Sunday Evening – 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening – 7:00 pm
Directions to Bible Baptist Church
Getting to Bible Baptist isn’t too difficult. We are located just on Highway 486 (Norvell Bryant) between Lecanto Highway and Highway 44. If you are coming from Crystal River we are just past Meadow Crest…just up over the hill, on the right, and next to A1 American Storage (about a mile off of Highway 44). If you are coming from Lecanto Highway we are just past LKQ on the left (about 2 miles from Lecanto Highway).

First Visit
What should I expect?
Expect to be welcomed by people just like you! Greeters will welcome you to our services, help you find your class, the nursery, bathrooms, or anything else you may need. Beyond trying to make you feel welcome to the services, we will simply stay out of the way. Expect to be in the midst of those who love the Lord, people, and the Word of God. Expect to be amongst Bible-believing Christians who seek to worship the Lord in truth, walk in the old paths, and please God.
What should I wear?
There is not a dress code at Bible Baptist Church for members or guests. We do seek to please the Lord in our dress and believe and uphold the Biblical principles of modesty and distinction. However, as guests or even as members, how you dress when you come to church is between you and the Lord. Our goal is to grow together in the Lord and His Word.

What about my Children?
Children at BBC have a special place in all of our services. Starting with the nursery we have classes and junior churches all the way up through the teen years. On Sunday mornings there is a nursery, junior churches, and Sunday school classes. On Sunday evening there is the nursery for up to 24-month-olds and on Wednesday during the school year, we have a nursery, youth group and Cadets for Christ (ages 2-12).
The Second Coming of Christ
We believe in both the pre-millennial return of Christ and the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Meaning that Christ will both come to snatch away the saints (pre-tribulation rapture of the church), and return again at the end of the tribulation to set up His millennial reign(pre-millennial return of Christ). We believe the term “Second Coming of Christ” refers to Revelation 19:11—21.